Guillaume Macneil

Durham University Computer Science Undergraduate


About Me

I am a third year undergraduate at Durham University, working towards an MEng in computer science. I am passionate about machine learning, artificial intelligence, data science and software engineering. I enjoy problem-solving and have a strong base in mathematics and logical reasoning. I am hard-working and excited to learn more and further my knowledge of computer science. I am currently searching for internship opportunities, if you know of any, please contact me! An in-depth CV can be provided on request.

I am a native English speaker and am proficient in French too. I am comfortable using the following technologies:

Technology Level Frameworks / Libraries
Python ■■■■□ Primarily data science / ML: pandas, numpy, matplotlib, seaborn, scikit-learn, keras, tensorflow
Rust ■■■■□ Systems programming / back-end: serde, rocket, tokio, sqlx, structopt, confy
JavaScript ■■■□□ Front-end: ChartJS, Material UI, ThreeJS, Bootstrap
HTML & CSS ■■■□□ N/A
C ■■□□□ TUI / CLI: stdlib, ncurses

In my free time, I am the treasurer and an active member of Durham University Judo Club and an avid long-distance hiker. During summer 2022, I completed the 300-mile-long Cambrian Way hike over the course of 18 days, although challenging I highly recommend it.

Projects - GitHub

Running Durham

Running Durham Map Example

An ongoing attempt to run every path in Durham, England with the aid of some custom visualisation and planning tools.

The Multisport Exercise Dataset

MED Visualisation Example

A dataset designed to facilitate the open development of predictive models in the domain of sports training and general fitness.

copo - a command line pomodoro timer

Copo UI Example

A command line pomodoro timer written purely in Rust. Fast, lightweight and simple.

homepage - this page!

An image of this page, showing an image of this page, etc.

My lightweight, minimalist homepage. Gets the job done.

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